Contact and Donation Center

Got Questions?
Call us at 505.980-7788 for a quicker response. Please use this form to ask us questions. If you are interested in the Sessions Project or booking us to work with you or your company please include your contact info. here and we will call you back (usually the same day). Thanks for your interest! Jim

    Sessions Academy started in 2018 as an online music lesson platform designed for school students. Sessions was born from Carousel Studios, a music performance company. The Sessions Academy hired local instructors to create 1,500 video music lessons in 21 instruments. An affordable student membership model was developed in 2019, and SchoolBeats was launched as a teaching resource for school music departments. In 2024 the Sessions Project was created to help teach companies new communication skills using humor and music training programs. Youth Music & Arts launched in 2022 as a free music youth program for students 13-18 that are underserved. Students are referred into the YMA program from city/state programs, shelters, youth programs, schools and churches.
    We currently have 2 programs: SchoolBeats and the Sessions Project. Sessions Project is a new program in 2024 working with companies to build culture through Sessions humor and music training program. Youth Music & Arts provides free lessons in Albuquerque through many community centers sponsored by the City of Albuquerque.
    YMA was launched in 2022 focusing work with underserved youth ages 13-18 utilizing a 3 path program. Paths 1 and 2 are delivered in live group settings by volunteer teachers. Additionally, we have opportunities for organizations and individuals to assist in the needs of the youth. Currently we need inexpensive ukuleles, guitars and small portable keyboards. We also seek teachers to work with small youth groups.
    Youth Music & Arts Path 1. This pays for teachers to provide initial music appreciation with groups through instructor concerts, karaoke and small group jams. Students are invited into Path 2 during these important sessions where they will be introduced to individual instrument lessons. Thank you for your donation.
    Youth Music & Arts Path 2. During this formative path students attend group sessions weekly for 6 weeks to choose and begin learning the instrument they will study. Your donation pays for student instruments and instructor group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano, voice, drawing and art. Thank you for your donation.
    Youth Music & Arts Path 3. Students that have attended 6 formative sessions are given an instrument, lesson book and online music membership. They are also given referrals to community youth music programs and offered opportunities to mentor and teach new students entering Path 1. Your donation will buy instruments and lessons for students. Thank you for your donation.
    This affordable donation will take 1 student through Youth Music & Arts Path 1 and 2 (6 group lessons with an instrument, music and live group instructor provided). This pays for teachers to provide initial music appreciation with groups through instructor concerts, karaoke and small group jams. Students are invited into Path 2 during these important sessions where they will be introduced to 6 individual instrument lessons. Thank you for your donation.
    If you are able to donate instruments for students, we will appreciate inexpensive guitars, ukulele’s and roll-up pianos. We can also use music books that contain music with lyrics and chords for the guitar, uke and piano.
    If you play an instrument and would like to offer some time working with small groups teaching one of these instruments, as well as voice, we would appreciate any time you can offer youth through the YMA program.
    Youth Music and Arts

    Jim Gross is founder and Director of Sessions Academy. Jim founded Sessions in 2018 after running Carousel of Music, a performance company in New Mexico which ran 27 years. Jim's 35 year music career has involved teaching, performance and recording. Jim’s vision of an online music academy and free music appreciation for schools is the driving force behind Sessions Academy and MusicMoment.

    DeAnna Vincent is Session's Project Manager. As such, DeAnna is the brain-child behind making our lessons look great for students. DeAnna has a broad background in photography, web design, product development and is a truly gifted project manager. She will be the lead in our video lesson development and MusicMoment program.

    Each year more school-age students turn towards the arts to bring balance and harmony to a world that does not treat everyone equally. Music creates a level playing field and a creative, healthy outlet. For some students, music is life! Sessions was born out of a desire to give students a safe, yet creative, musically stimulating outlet where they can learn and discover instruments on their terms. We never turn down a student due to lack of finances, so if you know a boy or girl that needs music in their life but can't afford lessons, please have them call me directly! Jim Gross - Founder and Director of Sessions Academy

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